Posts with the tag “long-hill-chapel-chatham”

Kingdom Tension - The One About Politics
October 18th, 2024
In some ways, American politics has become a new civil religion. We need to figure out the relationship between our national citizenship and our citizenship in the Kingdom of God....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
You Can't - The Pivot and the Process
October 15th, 2024
In the Book of Matthew, we learn that when we don’t forgive others, we’re holding on to something that blocks our ability to receive from God....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
You Can't - Both And
September 30th, 2024
We’re not immune from human struggles just because we follow Jesus, but the way we combat the anxious way of living is to seek first the Kingdom of God....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
You Can't
September 16th, 2024
There are many things we can do, and there are many things Jesus tells us to do. But, as described in the Book of John, there are a few things He tells us we can’t do....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
Didn't See That Coming
September 6th, 2024
In the Book of Acts, we learn about the shifts in perspective and understanding that come with following Jesus, which we didn’t see coming, especially in the story of Paul....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
Didn't See That Coming - Acts 15
August 22nd, 2024
The Book of Acts explains that having gaps in our understanding of God is not a problem, but it becomes a problem when we prescribe instead of describe what God is doing in and through us. ...  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
Didn't See That Coming - You Matter
August 15th, 2024
You matter because you've been given gifts and passions God designed to advance the Kingdom. The Book of Acts proves that we are all called to serve....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
Didn't See That Coming - Inside Outside
August 7th, 2024
The Book of Acts involves a lot of change, proving that sometimes the greatest transformation God does isn’t when He transforms a sinner into a saint, it’s when He softens and changes the hearts of th...  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
Didn't See That Coming - The Supernatural & The Ordinary
August 5th, 2024
The Book of Acts shows the importance of being there. Our faith is experienced most powerfully when we’re close, not when we’re distant from the things that require and challenge it. ...  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
Didn't See That Coming: Obstacles and Opportunities
July 18th, 2024
The Book of Acts proves that the obstacles we see might be the opportunities we need. Scripture's miraculous and strange aspects provide an invitation to see God for who He really is....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
Didn't See That Coming: Price Tag
July 16th, 2024
The Book of Acts explains how the price tag for following Jesus is rejection. The rejection of who Jesus is and what that means in our lives is the price tag for following Him in our culture....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
Didn't See That Coming 2
July 12th, 2024
Things naturally change over time. We have different schedules, use different lingo, or avoid different things, but the way we approach life, at its core, is the same as described through the Book of ...  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
Didn't See That Coming
June 29th, 2024
The Book of Acts explains that God often does His best work in ways we didn’t see coming. And sometimes we want God to change things, but what if what God really wants to do is change us?...  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
The Stretch: Direction, Not Intention
June 17th, 2024
We all have good intentions for our lives. The problem is that there is always a gap between our intentions for what is going to happen, and what actually happens. The Book of James explains....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
The Stretch: Beyond Yourself
June 10th, 2024
The Gospel is good news that requires change. The reality of the world around us is that we have to stretch ourselves, and this is explained in the Book of Timothy....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
The Stretch: Wherever We Go
June 6th, 2024
God meets you right where you are and how you are, but He never leaves you there. He calls for you and leads you a step from where you are, and the Book of Joshua explains how....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
The Stretch: Trading Up
May 23rd, 2024
How you approach your life determines who you become. We embrace generosity in our lives not to get something but to become like someone, as 1 Timothy explains....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
The Stretch: Grace and Truth Part 2
May 23rd, 2024
Grace and Truth are the two foundations that hold up love, and love is what holds Grace and Truth together. And this is broken down in the Book of Matthew....  Read More
by Sarah Harrington
The Stretch: Fear and Love
May 1st, 2024
Fear is what often comes between where we are and where we want to be. Fear is what often prevents a stretch in our lives, but the opposite of fear is love, God’s love, and this is explained in the Bo...  Read More
by Sarah Harrington